Howdy, I'm Lisa Faast, PharmD

Pharmacy Owner, Mom, Wife, and...

Pharmacy Badass!

This form is a place you can share your questions for Lisa, which will be used to create content to support you and everyone!

Filling out this form is not a guarantee that she will answer them.

**Pharmacy Badass University Members** you should not submit your questions here. Please use the Contact Us link in the membership or contact Lisa directly for a quicker response.

Hey, I'm Lisa

PharmD and... 

Pharmacy Badass!

Pharmacy Profit Summit
Pharmacy Badass University

Submit Your Questions!

Dr. Faast's expertise in pharmacy profitability is unmatched, and she has helped countless pharmacy owners to improve their margins, streamline their operations, and increase their revenue streams.

Whether you're struggling with DIR fees, PBM audits, or low margins, Dr. Faast has the knowledge and expertise to help you overcome these challenges and achieve your goals.

2023 Lisa Faast | Pivacy Policy | Terms